Friday, August 30, 2013

It’s been a year since I visited my blog.  Which means nobody has visited it for a year.  But as a follow up to the post from a couple of years ago in which I posted a picture of the Weiner-mobile, I felt inspired to give advice, in the format of “Dear Jabby”.

Dear Jabby:
I’m having difficulty with my husband, “Richard”.  “Richard” got in trouble a couple of years ago for texting his junk to girls.  When his shenanigans were exposed, it was really embarrassing - very public and humiliating.  But my friend and former boss said to wait it out.  It would blow over.  She’d been humiliated in public too, and they got past it.  And people, for the most part, eventually let it go.  So I blew it off.

Then a few weeks ago, it came out that “Richard” is still exposing himself.  I’m starting to think we won’t get past this.  There are a few basic differences from my situation and my friends.  My friends’ husband is smart and funny and has great communication skills and a sense of humor; whereas “Richard”, well, doesn't seem to have any of those things.  In fact, he’s a Weiner.

So I need advice.  What should I do?

Sincerely, Overexposed

Dear Mrs. Overexposed,
Sincerely, Jabby

1 comment:

mom said...

Mom still checks now and then.